Saturday, March 31, 2012

the little things

This is my first blog post in quite awhile. I got lost in details, to do lists, and pouring every ounce of energy I did (and didn't have) into trying to be the best possible version of myself. All that I gained was knowing I accomplished some, but mainly just adding to my "burden" and feeling just plain exhausted. It is easy to lose sight of truth, life, and beauty. This is a very sad and broken world. That is an extremely negative comment, but I believe it to be true. We are all struggling to get along and do our best, to leave our stamp on this enormous and complex world. This life is not easy, but it's not all that horrible either. Cliché moment..."Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain". Truth. There are many hard times, many "storms". I believe they can shape your character, and I believe they can open your eyes to appreciating what really matters. There is an incredible amount of beauty around us at every moment of every day. It is in the smile of my son, the embrace of my husband, the cool breeze outside, the calming sip of a warm drink on a cool day, being surrounded by loving friends. I am thankful for every single little item or moment that brings me joy, every single little thing. Outside of relationships and these little things, what else really matters? I find joy and peace from my soul and my relationship with God. That matters very much and plays a huge role in my overall happiness. These are all of my little things, and for them I am extremely grateful. I tend to lose sight of them often, and that is unfortunate. Today I sit outside, enjoying the unusually cool Spring day in Georgia, listening to a combination of the birds singing outside and the sound of my husband hammering nails into Ethan's new swing set. What more could I possibly ask for?