Friday, July 29, 2011

the four new loves of my life

There are many blessings in life. Some, we never notice, while others are with us every moment of every day. I have always loved my family and the close friends that I also consider family. Recently, this love has only expanded. In the past year, four new faces have entered my world and my heart. Ethan, Isabelle, Nolan and Miller are incredible and I love them all dearly. There is no love like the love you have for your child (or someone else's you love!), nothing even comes close. I am thankful every day for these wonderful, sweet babies. They are all so very special in their own way. I am looking forward to watching them all grow into the people they are meant to be. It is amazing to think of what is to come. Who will do what, go where, be whom. One thing I know for sure, my world is a much happier place with them in it, and my heart is overflowing with love and happiness these days.

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